Old Candles Needed for Walnut Grove Plantation
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Received the following today and passing it along for the folks at Walnut Grove in Spartanburg:
As the holidays approach, you’re probably getting decorations out of the attic. After the holidays pass, you likely dread putting so much back in the attic. Well, we can help with the candles! If you find candles melted and misshapen, set them aside for us. All those stubs of candles from holiday meals, candlelight services, and advent wreaths are perfect for our needs. We’ll recycle them into new candles. This is your chance to support the Historical Association and save the world, one candle at a time!
As many of you know, our most popular living history activity for school groups on field trips at Walnut Grove is candle-making. The wax these students use to make their candles comes from old candles that we melt down and we’re running low. We need more candles!! If you have some you can give, please drop them by Walnut Grove in Roebuck or the History Museum in the Chapman Cultural Center downtown. We accept candles year-round, so keep us in mind!
Let me know if you have any questions or if you need pick up service – we can work it out.
Becky Slayton, Executive Director
Spartanburg County Historical Association, 864-278-9664
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